~We don’t like to think about death.
~We can be uncomfortable with legal terminology
~No hard/fast “deadline”
~It’s not a lot of fun!
~The average person is not real fond of lawyers.
~There is the perception that of massive amounts of paperwork can be involved.
~You won’t live to see the benefits of planning.
~It might arouse feelings of negativity.
~It is often perceived as a daunting task.
~We like our “Live for the Moment” mentality.
~Procrastination derived from guilt for not having done an estate plan earlier in our lives.
~Recently, COVID or some pandemic concern
~End of my life perceived as imminent
~ Leave a legacy
~Peace of mind
~Due Diligence (Ask a lot of questions)
~Are you comfortable with the representative?
~ Do they listen?
~ Do they seem knowledgeable?
~ Do they reference the Trust and Probate laws in New Mexico?
~How long have you been in business or served in a fiduciary capacity?
~How would you handle my estate if I was incapacitated?
~How would you handle my estate if, I have passed away?
~ Who regulates your company?
~Who serves on our Board of Directors?
~What kind of fiduciary insurance do you carry?